珍惜每一刻,就像黄昏一样。Cherish every Moment, Love Life.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

感恩 。 感动

半夜三更,电话响起来。。熟悉的声音在另一边传来,关心的话语。让我很感动。即使你毕业了还那么关心我,还那么关心学会,关心每一个人。 开学了两个星期,其实有想念你,不习惯你不在金宝。没有一起吃饭,没有一起开会,没有一起开档,没有一起待在dsa,还有还有喝茶,你骑摩托载我,练武术,吃碌碌!! 今天收拾东西找到一张照片,是武术团第一次招生活动里的一个表演时拍的,那时你好瘦哦!应该是三年前那时吧!

你打来时就问我是不是emo,叫我不要emo了。 其实没有,长大了,不能让自己太放肆,毕竟是要进步的,而且是我大学生涯最后一个学期了,我怎样都会拼! 100%的努力学习,100%的享受大学生涯,尽情尽心,珍惜每一分每一秒。

开心听到你的声音,有没有发觉我有一大堆话不停的对你说,这个啦,那个啦,说下这个忽然又跳去那个。哈哈!我想我以前也是这样吧,希望你不会觉得我很烦人。其实很怕你的关心不再,我这两星期有想到这问题。不过现在不怕了! 嘻嘻! 开心!


我知道我们有缘一定会再见的,感谢科技的发达让朋友们都能容易联系,把彼此的距离都拉近了。感恩有你。谢谢你,志春。 我会加油! 你也要!祝你心想事成!

p/s: 发觉我和你的合照好少哦。。

My 100th post!!

Went to Kellie's Castle for photoshooting! This is the first time I went in there because last time i came with chee choon, it is not open yet for the day. For your information, its opening hours is from 10am to 5pm. so, don't need to be so early!

Recently love this kind of vintage and retro feeling in my photos. LIKE!!

Penang Trip with family for relative's wedding. Visited the Straits Quay and able to grab some nice photos~

I ask mum to pose like this =P
And I pose like her too!! Do we look alike? =D

During the semester break, I have finished 2 novels which i had dragged for like 1 year. Fear the worst and Twenties Girls. Both are nicely written. I should have bought the latest book by Sophie, Mini Shopaholic, but, it's too expensive for now. I'll just wait for the paper bag version.

I have found out Erin Kim this sweet girl. This is a Rocketeer remix by Erin Kim, GOWE and Travish Graham. Very nice remix!

This is what i did when there is no electricity!

Went photoshooting at Gopeng Town with Foto Imej Perak before semester starts. Tried a few shots!! Retro Retro~

Here ends my 100th. It's like I am posting rubbish here, all campur campur like Ais Kacang. Hope you all don't mind.

Chinese New Year mood ON!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

幸运的你 。帮助不幸的他们 | Live a Life that Matters









藉此,希望每一位幸运的你能伸出援手,有钱出钱,有力出力, 帮助不幸的他们。

They cannot talk like us.
They cannot think like us.
They cannot move around like us.

They cannot study like us.
They cannot bath like us.
They cannot eat like us.


They were even homeless.
A fire had destroyed the welfare home.
Wheel chairs, mattresses and pillows are needed.
Please, extend a helping hand.
Help them without hesitating.

Live a life that matters.

From left: Assistant Chairman Mr. Ong and Chairman Mr. Cheong

Photos by Loke Hon Leong


Mr. Ong 副主席/ Assistant Chairman 012 - 558 4139
Miss Lai 书记/Clerk 012 - 390 2569

Mailing Address: Handicap Children Welfare Home Ipoh, 108, Jalan Haji Eusoff, Housing Trust, 30250 Ipoh, Perak.

E-mail: pkkkcip_99@hotmail.com

Web: www.pkkc.org.my

-----------------------A million thanks----------------------