珍惜每一刻,就像黄昏一样。Cherish every Moment, Love Life.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Divergence and intergration

There's been so many things happen lately. Somebody is trying to play politics here ever since the somebody was brought in. Divergence is happening. It's not the way you should do things. It's wrong. Society interest is to my fullest concern. If you had self- interest and were to create chaos and confusion, i will therefore, with my shield and sword, protect the one or the thing that i need to. I respect you, with the position you are holding, and i, respect myself as well, doing the thing that falls within my job scope. Please don't ever mess things up, do not ever try to challenge the constitutions of society. You still do not know the regulations implied. You are just doing things that you describe as "best" for the society's interest. It's not.

Integration is define as the organization of the constituent elements of the personality into a coordinated, harmonious whole. Somehow, people just do not know the importance of adopting integration in life. And to be real sincere in implementing it. People who is just putting this on his mouth is just a piece of shit. You may pretend in front of me and i may smile to you. You may talk to me and talk to others differently, i may pretend not to know.

Please, while i am still using "please". Stop it before it goes worse. Don't ever challenge my patience, respect yourself and conduct in pride. You will never realize what i can do actually, you will never know my power and my knowledge. This is the first warning i issue. The next one, bear the responsibility yourself.

1 comment:

  1. oh ow... pui yee sounds so scary... that is why i always keep myself out of society's affair after the AGM... it is not my time anymore... now it is for you all to settle those.. gambateh..!

